Wednesday 25 January 2012

Rudely awoken by a bomb blast!

To start with I just want to say we were rudely awoken by a bomb blast! There was a massive bang followed by the whole house shaking for a few seconds, immediately I looked outside the window thinking it could be thunder but it was bright outside. A few minutes later there was another bang but seemed further away. A few days ago we heard the sound of machine guns so we're thinking/hoping that its a nearby training camp or something. We're also used to seeing soldiers walking around the streets with machine guns now aswell, something you don't see everyday back home.

Today we had our morning session at Hertzog school, I'ts another religious school and we only coach boys as the school is one school but is seperated with two building, one for boys and one for girls so they don't mix. We met our fourth person who is assisting us with translation etc, his name is Avi and is also Jewish so we have two jewish and two arabic students helping us. Our evening session at Mig Dalor was cancelled because the centre had an organised trip somewhere so nobody was going to be there. This means we can relax before a long last day of the week tomorrow which finishes at 9pm, then our weekend begins!

After Hertzong Avi dropped us back home so we could shower and change then he came to pick us up again and drove about 15minutes to a big shopping centre there where we had lunch before going to see a movie. Walking round Avi seemed to know pretty much everyone working in different shops. He mentioned how he can get us discount in most of the shops and we also can go to the cinema free anytime we want as he knows the manager there and just to mention his name. So we went to the cinema and of course with Avi it's free entry. We watched Contraband which is an action movie with Mark Wahlberg and Kate Beckinsale. I won't give much of the movie away for those who want to see it but I'd high recommend it, we all agreed at the end that we really enjoyed it and because it was int he daytime the cinema was empty and really comfortable.

Part of the cinema inside

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you are both having great time , such an experience , enjoy
